Pre-Order The Pocket Guide to Zombies of The Bible!

Hey everyone! Hope you had a fantastic summer! I spent it with the Undead! Yaaaaaaaaaay!

One thing that a lot of churches don’t talk about are Zombies in the Bible. Other than OG Jesus, and sometimes Lazarus, much of modern-day Christianity would rather not spend any Sunday Sermon time talking about all the people that died and came back to life in the Bible. Because IT’S WEIRD!

But here’s The Pocket Guide to Zombies of The Bible to help you out!

Ten chapters of biblical Zombies! Kids, teens, adults, plus one group of people who walked out of their tombs after Jesus’ resurrection.

You can pre-order the Kindle version here. Paperback soon to follow.

Hope you enjoy!

This entry was posted on September 5, 2024, in News. Bookmark the permalink.